If you're sleeping only half the time you're in bed, your sleep efficiency is only 50 percent, says sleep specialist Michael Stevenson, Ph.D. That perpetuates insomnia. The goal is to achieve 90 percent -- and it can be done.
Say you to go bed at 11:00 pm because you have to get up at 7:00 am but instead of falling asleep, you lie awake until 3:00 am. So don't get into bed until 3:00 am, says Dr. Stevenson. You'll feel much better, less anxious, if you don't lie sleepless in bed for the 4 hours you think you should be sleeping.
After a week of sleeping well for 4 hours a night, go to bed 15 minutes earlier for a week. As you continue to sleep well, each week give yourself another 15 minutes. If it gets worse, cut time in bed by 15 minutes.
"You sneak up on it a bit at a time," says Dr. Stevenson. "Almost immediately, people begin to feel better. Ironically, you're using sleep restriction as a weapon against insomnia."
He warns, however, that this does not work for everyone. Regimented types are most likely to benefit from this exercise.
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