Thursday, July 21, 2016

Best Advice On Surviving Your Freshman Year In College

By James Watson

If you think that the senior year in high school was tough, then just imagine what it would be like living out the first year as a college student. Horror stories and cautionary tales of being a college freshman is par for the course among high school upperclassmen. But while the environment may be challenging, it is not the nightmarish scenario that most kids assume it is even before they graduate. Take a look at the information below to clarify some key concerns.

Get accustomed to your new campus by exploring the grounds in the early days of the first semester. Whether you are studying geotech engineering and testing or perhaps taking up an English literature major, it is your responsibility to be familiar with the surroundings as soon as possible. This prevents you from getting lost when going to different classrooms for lectures.

Never skip your classes because this is detrimental to your end goals and will telegraph a poor impression towards your professors who disapproves of attendance issues. The academic side of college is a tough arena where students are expected to keep up with the fast and intensive pace of the curriculum. Failure to attend your lectures will result in a decrease of your grades.

Studying solo may be okay, but eventually, you might get bored without someone else to field ideas or questions about the subject you are learning. Participating in a study group helps not only with your studies, but it also sharpens your social skills. Such opportunities allow you to get to know your schoolmates better while bonding over homework or other required projects.

Bear in mind that there is absolutely no shame in admitting that you need help from your instructors. Consulting with them should be done outside of classroom hours as they are allowed to discuss important matters with students in their faculty office. Make sure to follow the administration protocol and book a proper appointment so you shall be accommodated.

Keeping your dorm room clean and organized should be a daily habit that must be maintained because a dirty living space is not conducive to a positive learning environment. Most of the time, you will be doing projects and homework in your dormitory space, and an unkempt appearance will not serve your purpose. Keep it neat and tidy at all times to ensure stability.

You need to watch what you are consuming on a daily basis because university freshmen have this tendency to gain weight within their first two semesters. Stress often causes them to eat and drink a lot of unhealthy stuff which can be really bad for their bodies. Be very conscious about your nutrition since you cannot function properly unless you consume the right things.

Never forget to balance your studies with leisure time because you need to remember what happens to a person if they are all work and no play. Find the time to relax, take a well deserved break, and just unplug yourself from the stresses of your studies when you are presented with the opportunity to do so. This is how you can recharge yourself to full capacity.

Challenging as it may seem, the collegiate experience is something that you could easily accomplish when your mind is set to clear purpose. Take note of the advice listed in this guide so you may achieve your desired goals. Above all, enjoy the process and open your mind to exploring new discoveries waiting for you at every corner on campus.

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